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Recharging US Competitiveness 

Battery Workshop Probes Industry for Ideas, Partnerships 

SAM LEVY (2523), Battery Technology Workshop organizer, examines a mock 
battery made of transparent plastic in Sandia’s battery lab. Battery users and 
manufacturers toured the facility as part of the two-day workshop held in 
Albuquerque Feb. 12 and 13. 

Last month, Sandia hosted its first-ever Battery Technology Workshop 
to bring together representatives from major commercial battery suppliers, 
major battery users, and the Labs. The workshop’s goal was to help 
transfer some of Sandia’s research innovations and capabilities to indus¬ 
try and thereby help increase the US battery industry’s international 

“Look around you,” says Sam Levy of Exploratory Batteries Div. 2523. 
“Batteries are used in more and more devices every day. New applications 
are bringing increasingly bigger markets. I expect even faster growth if some 
of the obstacles in the industry are overcome.” 

In 1982, he says, 770 million battery-operated devices were in use in the 
US. Last year, the number increased to 1.3 billion. One reason, he says, is re- 

“I expect the batteries of tomorrow to be smaller, safer, 
and more reliable, with electronics built in.” 

cent advances in microelectronics and the availability of hundreds of new bat¬ 
tery-operated devices, from portable radios to electronic toys. 

At the same time, however, the US market share in the battery business is 
decreasing. Sam says US battery exports in recent years have remained con¬ 
stant while imports are on the rise, especially from Japan. According to the 
US Dept, of Commerce, less than 4 percent of batteries sold in the US in 1978 
were made in Japan. In 1988, more than 13 percent of the batteries sold in the 
US were provided by Japanese suppliers. These figures indicate a need to 
reinvigorate US competitiveness in batteries, he says. 

Potential Industry Partnerships 

At the workshop, held Feb. 12 and 13, Sandians presented results of recent 
exploratory battery research and Labs capabilities. Industry representatives 
also expressed their concerns and needs for future R&D efforts, and battery 
users discussed their needs for smaller, cheaper, and better batteries. 

“We tried to make it an informational workshop,” says Sam. “We wanted 
industry to tell us their problems and get a true spirit of cooperation started. 
Next, we’ll invite the interested parties back for a planning meeting.” 

The industry representatives responded favorably to the workshop, 
says Sam. Several companies expressed an interest in collaborating with 
the Labs on fundamental research. Sam says he hopes US battery manufac¬ 
turers and users will form a consortium as a result of the workshop. Sandia 
(Continued on Page Four) 



Waste Minimization 
Network Expected to 
Eventually Save Labs 
Millions of Dollars — 
See Page Five 

Tracking Rocket Plumes for SDI 

Satellite Studies Plume from Sandia’s Strypi Rocket 

Sandia’s Strypi rocket, which has carried 
US scientific experiments into space since 
1962, helped researchers score another big suc¬ 
cess at the Kauai Test Facility in Hawaii last 

On Feb. 18, researchers from the Strate¬ 
gic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO), 
the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Utah 
State University, and Sandia launched a 
three-stage Strypi rocket from Kauai to study 
the ultraviolet (UV) light emitted by the 

Optical equipment provided a first- 
ever on-board look at UV radiation 
emitted by the rocket’s motors. 

rocket’s plumes during burn stages. The 
plumes were successfully tracked and imaged 
by NRL instrumentation on board the Low- 
Power Atmospheric Compensation Experi¬ 
ment (LACE) satellite and other ground- 
based Air Force sensors. 

A second experiment, equally successful, 
took place during high-altitude flight and reen¬ 

try. Optical equipment provided a first-ever on¬ 
board look at UV radiation emitted by the 
rocket’s motors during its second and third bum 
stages. Radiation produced by the aerodynamic 
heating of the atmosphere surrounding the vehi¬ 
cle — called “bow shock” — was also measured 
during reentry and transmitted to ground sta¬ 
tions using telemetry. 

The researchers say they will add the infor¬ 
mation to a data base of UV, visible, and infrared 
(IR) emissions that will help characterize, via 
satellite, space vehicles launched from foreign 
countries. This information is critical to a suc¬ 
cessful SDI program, which must be capable of 
tracking and identifying foreign rockets shortly 
after launch. 

“The experiments were 100-percent suc¬ 
cessful,” says Pat Walter (7526). “Every group 
involved was inundated with useful data. We’re 
all pleased with the results.” 

Strypi was originally designed by Sandia in 
a dramatic 60-day flurry of development aimed 
at producing a vehicle to carry a warhead for 
high-altitude tests during Operation Dominic in 
1962. It soon became the basis for a family 

of one-, two-, and 
three-stage solid- 
fuel rockets used to 
carry a variety of 
experiments into 
space. It has been 
particularly useful 
for studying re¬ 
entry physics. Last 
month’s launch was 
the 40th Strypi 

Sandians from 
several organiza¬ 
tions supported the 
experiments, in¬ 
cluding divisions 
7526 (test develop¬ 
ment and supervi¬ 
sion), 7523 and 
7510 (operations 
and logistics), 9132 
and 7525 (flight 
navigation), 1555 (flight safety), and 7556 
(photography support). *JG 


Strypi Rocket 

This & That 

Favorite War Story - It certainly wasn’t the most significant news 
story to come out of the Persian Gulf War, but I found it one of the 
most interesting. A local newspaper headline, near the war’s end: “Some 
Iraqis Will Give Up to Anyone, Even Writers.” A group of 10 hungry, 
thirsty, war-weary Iraqi soldiers, eager to get it done, surrendered in 
southern Kuwait to the first non-Iraqis they encountered - a couple of 
journalists covering the war. We writer types have long said that the 
pen is mightier than the sword. Just as mighty, at least, in this case. 

Strypi: "60-Day Miracle" - The Sandia-developed Strypi rocket, 
used in a successful Strategic Defense Initiative experiment at the 
Kauai Test Facility last month (see page one), goes back a long way. The 
first in the Strypi family of rockets was launched back in 1962. 

Retired Sandia VP Glenn Fowler wrote about the Strypi’s develop¬ 
ment in an article in Sandia’s 40th anniversary booklet, Recollections 
for Tomorrow. Excerpts from the article: "The name Strypi was given to a 
family of Sandia-developed rockets after George Dacey [then VP of 
Research and later President] told the story of a British soldier in 
India who mistook a tiger’s tail for a black and yellow snake called a 
strypi. The name was appropriate, because at that time - in late summer 
1962 - Sandia truly had a tiger by the tail. We were working around the 
clock to develop the first Strypi and help get the nation back on track 
in its nuclear testing program. 

“The first launch came in late September. We designed, built, and 
successfully fired a new rocket in less than two months. I don’t know of 
anyone else ever doing that,” wrote Glenn. 

Booklet Still Available - A few copies of the Recollections for 
Tomorrow booklet are still available to interested Sandians. Every on- 
roll employee in late 1989 received a copy. Folks who have joined the 
Labs since then and others who want another copy can send a self- 
addressed internal mailing envelope (6 by 9 inch) to Community Relations 
Div. 3163. Lots of good stuff in that small booklet! 

Change Not Easy - We Sandians are learning quite a bit these days 
about some of the difficulties involved in changing our corporate 
culture to meet the needs of a changing world. Jack Wirth, Acting VP of 
Component Development 2000, tells a story about his farmer grandfather 
that illustrates the difficulty of change. Seems Grandad Wirth was 
driving his first tractor after years of using horse-drawn farm 
implements. The old boy momentarily lost his bearings, and the tractor 
started plowing though a fence. “Whoa, you beast, WHOA!” shouted 
Grandad. What worked well in the horse era didn’t work so well in the 
new tractor era. There’s a lesson there. 

A ge & Economics - A friend tells me his body and mind are giving 
him a real lesson in economics as he approaches 50. Says his hairline is 
in recession, his waistline in inflation, and his mind in depression. 

And a Deflating Comment! - A former co-worker once commented that 
her 50-year-old husband was fond of calling himself middle-aged until 
she asked, "OK, how many 100-year-old people do you know?” As I recall, 
he was her fourth husband. With comments like that, he probably wasn’t 
her last one. *LP 

Gradual Expansion Planned 

Recycling Update 

Sandia’s pilot paper recycling program, 
which began last August in Bldg. 891, has been 
judged a success and will gradually be expanded 
to other buildings, says Don Schubeck (3412). 

During a six-month trial period, about 30 
tons of white wastepaper were collected in Bldg. 
891 and a few other locations. Don says that 
equates to saving 510 trees, 126,000 kilowatt- 
hours of electricity, and 210,000 gallons of water. 

Recycling has already been expanded to 
Bldgs. 804, 823, 839E, 864, 880 (Computer 
Annex), 887 (and surrounding mobile offices), 892 
(drafting), 9981, and MO 171 (uncleared new 
hires). Expansions are planned in other buildings, 
each of which will be assigned a recycling program 
coordinator by the building ES&H coordinator. 

Don, who has been appointed Solid Waste 
Recycling Coordinator for Sandia, Albuquerque, 
encourages Sandians to minimize the amount of 
wastepaper they produce by printing and copying 
on both sides of the paper. He also reminds every¬ 
one that white paper should be used for major 
mailings because it can be recycled. 

In other recycling developments: 

• The recycling collection trailer has been 
moved from the Bldg. 891 dock to the motor pool 
lot, which is more accessible for the recycler. 

• 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the 
Earth and Save Our Planet are available for check¬ 
out in the Technical Library (3140). 

• Recycling team member Louise Bland 
(3414) has been appointed to the board of directors 
of Keep New Mexico Beautiful, an organization 
that serves as a clearinghouse for beautification, 
recycling, and litter-control programs in the state. 


Take Note 

David Ryerson (5144) was recently elected a 
Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and 
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Senior Member is 
the highest professional grade for which applica¬ 
tion may be made and requires experience reflect¬ 
ing professional maturity. About 8 percent of 
IEEE’s 300,000 members are elected to this grade. 

UNM’s College of Engineering is sponsoring 
two Albuquerque workshops on “Total Quality 
Management” this spring. The first is March 26 
through 28. The second, April 2 through 4, is 
geared toward quality management in government 
contracting. For information, contact Katherine 
Love on 277-6061. 


Published Fortnightly on Fridays 


An Equal Opportunity Employer 


Sandia National Laboratories, a prime contractor 
to the US Department of Energy, is operated by 
Sandia Corporation, a subsidiary of American 
Telephone and Telegraph Co. 

LARRY PERRINE, Editor (505/844-1053) 

CHARLES SHIRLEY, Assistant Editor (846-5542) 
LINDA DORAN, Writer (846-6888) 

JOHN GERMAN, Writer (844-7842) 

RANDY MONTOYA, Head Photographer (844-5605) 
MARK POULSEN, Photographer and 
Production Coordinator (844-5605) 

JANET WALEROW, Editorial Assistant (844-7841) 
BARRY SCHRADER, Livermore Reporter 
(415/294-2447; FTS 234-2447) 

SANDIA’S 1991 SECRETARIAL COMMITTEE got together recently to say “Cheese!” for LAB NEWS photog¬ 
rapher Randy Montoya. This year’s committee members are (seated, from left) Yolanda Moreno (1), commit¬ 
tee recorder; Suzi Montano (6310) and Lorina Montoya (3220), cochairs of this year’s secretarial seminar 
held in October; (standing) Sue Stone (2810), committee vice chair; Harriet Mason Goodness (5240), Susan 
Kissam (3300), Becky Wilcox (1160), and Wendy Falls (7520), producers of the Secretarial Writings and Pro¬ 
fessional Standards newsletter, and Charlene Rodgers (9320), committee chair. 

LAB NEWS » March 8,1991 • Page Three 

Silver Medalists 

Sandians Get International Honors for Paper on Combustion 

Scientists at Sandia, Livermore received top 
honors at the 22nd International Symposium on 
Combustion in Orleans, France, for a paper con¬ 
tributing to the analysis of flame structure and 

The paper earned the Combustion Institute’s 
Silver Medal — the top award given for a paper. 
For the first time, the medal was awarded jointly to 
two research groups, one at Sandia and one at 
Princeton University. The Sandia work was pri¬ 
marily theoretical, while the work at Princeton de¬ 
scribed complementary experimental research. 

The award for the Sandia contributions was 
accepted by Bob Kee, Supervisor of Computa¬ 
tional Mechanics Div. 8245, Greg Evans (also 
8245), Jim Miller from Combustion Chemistry 
Div. 8353, and Graham Dixon-Lewis, professor 
emeritus of fuel sciences at Leeds University, Eng¬ 
land. The professor collaborated in the research 
during a sabbatical at Livermore’s Combustion 
Research Facility. 

Understanding How Flames Behave 

paper award from the 22nd 
International Combustion 
Symposium include (from 
left) Greg Evans, Bob Kee 
(both 8245), and Jim Miller 
(8353). Silver medal is on 
table in foreground. 

Bob explains that the research focused on a 
particular form of “strained” or “stretched” 
flames in an effort to understand the highly 
complex and little understood dynamics of 
flame turbulence. Nearly all practical combus¬ 
tion devices (such as engines and power plants) 
rely on turbulent combustion, but detailed de¬ 
scriptions of turbulent combustion are still in 
their infancy. 

Rather than tackle all the complexities di¬ 
rectly, the Sandia team sought to understand criti¬ 
cal aspects of turbulent combustion in relatively 
simple laboratory flames. 

The flames analyzed in the work consisted of 
two jets shooting at each other. As the speed of the 
jets increases, the flame structure changes. Finally, 
when the blowing becomes forceful enough, the 
flame is extinguished — it goes out. Understand¬ 
ing this behavior is important to predicting such 
things as unburned hydrocarbon emissions in 
combustion devices. 

Bob and Jim, who have studied flame chem¬ 
istry at Sandia for more than 10 years, say that 

“The paper is an excellent example 
of how basic research can lead to a 
cross-fertilization of ideas.” 

until now, no one has been able to predict accu¬ 
rately the extinction behavior of certain types of 
strained flames. They explain that Professor Ed 
Law (formerly at UC Davis, now at Princeton) 
set up experiments to measure flame extinction 
limits from two opposed gas streams. However, 
the data did not conform to commonly used 
mathematical models. 

Greg Evans was working on mathematically 
related problems in a different field — that of ma¬ 
terials processing — when it occurred to him that 
his work might also apply to the dynamics of 
flame chemistry. He guessed right, and his new 
mathematical formulations led the Sandia group to 
a reformulated mathematical analysis that ex¬ 
plained the professor’s data. Greg said the intro¬ 
duction of a finite-length scale, absent from earlier 
work, was the key. 

Sharing of Knowledge in Different Fields 

He adds that Bob Kee’s background in both 
combustion and materials processing allowed the 
application of knowledge from one field to an¬ 
other. “The paper is an excellent example of how 
basic research can lead to a cross-fertilization of 
ideas that can solve problems in seemingly unre¬ 
lated fields,” says Greg. 

Bob notes that the wealth of collaboration at 

Sandia laid the groundwork for the break¬ 
through. He explains, “We were fortunate to 
have stimulating input from Juergen Wamatz of 

The work can be applied to at least 
five other kinds of specialized flames. 

the University of Heidelberg, and Graham 
Dixon-Lewis of Leeds University, both of whom 
worked on summer projects at the Combustion 
Research Facility and were interested in explain¬ 

ing flame structure. 

“Collaborations with Professor Tadao Takeno 
of Nagoya University in Japan also strongly influ¬ 
enced the direction of our research,” continues 
Bob. “His work dealt with the introduction of 
length scales in other kinds of flames.” 

Extensions of the work can be applied to at 
least five other kinds of specialized flames, as well 
as to a range of materials-processing applications, 
including semiconductor fabrication. 

The research was supported by DOE’s Of¬ 
fice of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of 
Chemical Sciences. • 

LIVERMORE SANDIANS were honored recently for their 95.4-percent participation in the 1990 Savings 
Bond drive. Employees gave $333,000 to this year’s campaign; 133 either participated for the first time or in¬ 
creased their pledges over last year. Attending a brief ceremony in the CRF auditorium are (from left) Corey 
Knapp (8536), campaign coordinator for Directorate 8500; Pat Gildea (8280), coordinator for 8200; Charlotte 
Acken (8453), coordinator for 8400; Mike Rogers (8433), Livermore chairman; Claude Mullen, area manager 
for the Department of Treasury US Savings Bond Division; VP John Crawford (8000); and Al West (8431), 
assistant chairman and head of next year’s Bond drive. Directorate coordinators not present were Ron Stoltz 
(8316) and Dennis Beyer (8163). 


March 8,1991 • Page Four 

(Continued from Page One) 

Battery Workshop 

could then negotiate CRADAs (cooperative re¬ 
search and development agreements) with the 
consortium based on future industry needs and 
Sandia’s capabilities. 

New Assaults on Batteries 

Today’s battery-operated devices are more 
portable than their predecessors because mi¬ 
crochips make them smaller and lighter. Batteries 
for these devices must also be smaller and lighter. 
Sam believes the challenges for the battery indus¬ 
try of the ’90s are to reduce battery size and weight 
without sacrificing current battery lifetimes and 
measures of reliability. 

Other challenges faced by consumer battery 
suppliers are environmental and safety issues. 
The most common type of rechargeable con¬ 
sumer batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, can 
have serious negative effects on the environ¬ 
ment if disposed of improperly. Sandia’s grow¬ 
ing experience in disposal, recycling, and 
environmentally conscious manufacturing may 
help industry find ways to manufacture and recy¬ 
cle nickel-cadmium batteries that reduce envi¬ 
ronmental impacts while retaining current 
lifetime and reliability. 

Other Sandia programs address safety issues. 
Each rechargeable battery is made up of a series 
of energy pockets, called cells. Sometimes, when 
one of the cells in a string of cells has a higher or 
lower capacity than a neighboring cell, the 
battery contains an imbalance. 

Such an imbalance can be a safety problem, 
says Sam, because a depleted cell may be over¬ 
charged by surrounding cells, causing noxious ma¬ 
terials to be vented from the battery. Also, if one 

cell inside a conventional rechargeable goes dead, 
the whole battery is dead and can’t be recharged, 
even if neighboring cells are still functional. If sen¬ 
sors and integrated circuits were placed inside the 
battery, they could detect imbalances and help mod¬ 
erate the voltage differences between cells, increas¬ 
ing the lifetime of a rechargeable battery and 
reducing safety hazards. 

“We’re beginning to look for innovative solu¬ 
tions to common problems in the battery industry,” 
says Sam. “I expect the batteries of tomorrow to be 
smaller, safer, and more reliable, with electronics 
built in.” 

To improve reliability, some Sandia-devel- 
oped batteries contain two or more strings of cells. 

If one of the strings goes dead, the other still op¬ 
erates, maintaining the battery’s reliability. An¬ 
other approach to increasing battery reliability is 
to incorporate a single additional cell, sensors, 
and an integrated circuit into a battery pack. If the 
sensors detect a bad cell, the integrated circuit re¬ 
places it with the single new cell, increasing both 
reliability and lifetime without a substantial in¬ 
crease in weight or volume. 

“Our goal is to perform applied research,” 
says Sam. “Industry can continue with the devel¬ 
opment. The workshop was a good example of 
how Sandia can make Labs technologies more 
accessible.” *JG 

Battery Program Meets Labs’ Unique Power Needs 

Battery R&D is something of a tradition at 
Sandia. It started in the 1950s as a way to pro¬ 
vide highly reliable, one-time power to nuclear 
weapons, possibly after decades of storage in 
the weapons stockpile. 

Much of Sandia’s early battery research 
focused on thermal batteries. Thermal batter¬ 
ies, unlike their predecessors, contain no cor¬ 
rosive electrolytes and are functional only in 
the presence of heat (created by an electro¬ 
chemical reaction). They provide highly reli¬ 
able one-time power and have longer shelf 
lives than the chemical batteries of the late 
’40s and early ’50s. 

Since then, the battery program has devel¬ 
oped and supplied other Sandia programs with 
batteries that can’t be bought commercially. 
These custom-made batteries typically have 
unique performance requirements, such as high 
reliability and long life. 

In recent years, battery R&D at Sandia 

has tackled a host of other problems. Battery 
researchers are developing ways to provide 
power to deep space probes, supply DOE with 
rechargeable batteries for electric cars, and 
store electricity from photovoltaic (solar) 
cells — to name a few. 

Sam Levy (2523) says the performance re¬ 
quirements of today’s batteries —- high reliabil¬ 
ity and long lifetimes — suggest that much of 
the R&D done at Sandia in the near future will 
focus on new materials, not electrochemical 

“The biggest problems we have run into is 
the corrosion of support and containment ma¬ 
terials [such as cans, leads, glass seals, and 
welds],” he says. “Once these are corrected, 
the electrochemical systems will operate with 
a higher degree of reliability.” He adds, how¬ 
ever, that for new high-energy systems being 
developed, the materials problems will be the 
most difficult to solve. 

Be Prepared 
Before Tigers Arrive 

This is the sixth in a series of “helpful hint” 
columns as we strive to improve our ES&H perfor¬ 
mance and to prepare for the visit of the DOE 
Tiger Team beginning in mid April. 

If experience is any 
teacher, one group the 
TIGER Tiger Team is sure to 

TEAM gCfoJJi 11 \ aU( iit closely is Environ- 
TIPS C^iy/ J mental Programs Dept. 

3220. Organizations 
that work with 3220 should expect a reduction in 
the normal level of services before and during 
the team’s arrival and should plan accordingly. 

Services most likely to be affected include 
chemical waste collection, help with wastewater 
and sink disposal compliance, collection of radioac¬ 
tive and mixed wastes, air emission and National 
Environmental Policy Act compliance aid, environ¬ 
mental compliance training, classified waste sur¬ 
veys, and PCB identification and collection. 

Chemical waste collection employees will set 
priorities based on disposal requests. Organizations 
are urged to (1) review current chemical storage, 
(2) identify outdated, off-specification, or poten¬ 
tially explosive chemicals and “non-JIT” com¬ 
pressed gas cylinders (not purchased through 
Sandia’s Just-in-Time system), and (3) request dis¬ 
posal now with a Chemical Waste Disposal Re¬ 
quest form (SA 2008-CWD). 

Sandians are reminded that chemical wastes 
must be handled, stored, and transported in ap¬ 
proved ways. Chemicals should not be stored in 
hallways, other passageways, or in any areas not 
approved for chemical storage. Employees should 
not attempt to personally move chemicals to the 
Hazardous Waste Management Facility. Chemicals 
will be accepted there only through approved pro¬ 
cedures from persons authorized to deliver the 
chemicals (see form SA 2008-CWD). • 

Tigers at Tax Time 

Tiger Team Leader Named for Sandia Visit 

Dave Spence, who will lead the 100-member 
DOE ES&H Tiger Team visit to Sandia, has come 
to know the Labs through the Strategic Petroleum 
Reserve (SPR) Program. 

Since 1984, Spence has been with DOE’s 
SPR, a collection of caverns leached from under¬ 
ground salt domes in southern Texas and 
Louisiana. The caverns can be filled with up 
to 750 million barrels of crude oil, which is 
reserved for easy retrieval during times of spe¬ 
cial national need. In fact, about 17 million bar¬ 
rels of crude oil is being removed from SPR 
because of the Persian Gulf war, he says. 

Currently, Spence is SPR’s assistant project 
manager of operations. “Among other things,” he 
says, “I’m accountable for those activities that go 
on concerning cavern certification, creep closure 
of caverns, and behavior of the caverns in the stor¬ 
age environment. 

“That means I’m essentially responsible for 
managing Sandia’s SPR activity. One of my se¬ 
nior people is the regular interface with Jim Linn 
[Supervisor of Underground Storage Technology 
Div. 6257].” 

Work aimed at learning more about salt creep, 
cavern integrity and oil losses, and stored-oil 
chemistry and purity is a key part of Sandia’s SPR 
assignment today. 

Before joining SPR, Spence was deputy 
manager of the Gas Centrifuge Machine Office 
of DOE’s Oak Ridge Operations Office. He also 
worked for Northrop Space Laboratories, the 
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, and the US 
Air Force. 

Spence and principal Tiger Team members 
from the three sub-teams (environmental, 
safety and health, and management) will be at 
Sandia from March 19-21 for a get-acquainted 

visit. They will visit with Sandia manage¬ 
ment, receive briefings and tours, and review 
documents needed for the assessment. 

The long-awaited Tiger Team assessment, to 
begin April 15 and continue for about six weeks, 
will include a thorough review of Sandia’s ES&H 
compliance and programs. 

Much of Spence’s professional career has pre¬ 
pared him for the new Tiger Team leader role, he 
believes. “I came out of the aerospace industry and 
the manned space program, which necessarily 
must be very disciplined. You don’t have a chance 
to do things twice.” He also has experience with 
quality appraisals. 

Spence sees his role as Tiger Team leader as 
one of management oversight. “I also intend to 
assure a high degree of credibility for this assess¬ 
ment by assuring that findings are of significance 
and are bounded by requirements. 

“What we find — assuming that we do find 
things that are in less-than-full compliance — 
should help you improve operation of the Labs. 
We have no other motive than that,” he says. • 

Retiree Deaths 

Stanley Harvey Jr. (71).Jan. 2 

Margaret Conmey (78).Jan. 7 

Russell Leahy (66).Jan. 17 

Ted Morse (85).Jan. 16 

R. L. Ledgerwood (59).Jan. 22 

John Colwell Jr. (74).Jan. 29 

Joe Mahboub (77). Jan. 30 

LAB NEWS » March 8,1991 • Page Five 

Reducing and Recycling 

Sandia Kicks Off New Waste Minimization Network 

Labs employees can start looking for more 
ways to reduce the amount of waste they generate, 
said Jim Fish (3220), author of Sandia’s new Pollu¬ 
tion Prevention Program (PPP), at a Feb. 26 meet¬ 
ing in the Technology Transfer Center. 

The PPP report establishes a network of repre¬ 
sentatives from line organizations throughout the 
Labs, called “MinNet” representatives, who are re¬ 
sponsible for understanding waste-generating pro¬ 
cesses within their departments. Each department 
must be represented by a MinNet representative re¬ 
gardless of the amount of waste it generates, al¬ 
though departments that generate infrequent or 
small amounts of waste may team up with other 
departments, says Jim. 

The pollution prevention program also estab¬ 
lishes a time frame for documenting waste-gener¬ 
ating processes, identifying opportunities to 
minimize waste, and implementing specific 
changes that reduce the volume of waste generated 
at Sandia. The result is a formalized waste mini¬ 
mization program that benefits all Sandians. 

Difficult, But Important 

As part of the program, all ongoing waste¬ 
generating processes at the Labs will be identified 
and documented by PWAs (process waste assess¬ 
ments). A PWA is essentially a material balance 
sheet showing material inputs and outputs for a 
process. Outputs at Sandia may include air emis¬ 
sions, wastewater, solid waste, and products them¬ 
selves, for example. 

“Establishing PWAs at an R&D facility is con¬ 
siderably more difficult than at a production facil¬ 
ity, where inputs and outputs are essentially 
constant,” says Hugh Reilly (6217), chairperson of 
the PPP Implementation Team. “Writing PWAs for 
Sandia processes will be a major, but important, 

After PWAs are written, employees will iden¬ 
tify specific changes they can make that will re¬ 
duce the amount of waste they produce. Finally, 
formal changes will be made and documented by 
each line organization. 

Hugh says that when the Tiger team arrives in 
mid-April, initial plans for implementing the pro¬ 
gram will be complete, and testing on selected 
organizations will have begun. After this proto¬ 
typing stage, the implementation procedures will 

Desert Storm Family Fund Update 

Military Families 
Get Help from 
Special Fund 

Sandians who used the special envelopes 
distributed at the Labs have contributed about 
16 percent of all donations to the Desert Storm 
Family Fund so far, according to a spokes¬ 
woman at First National Bank. 

The fund was established by United Way of 
Albuquerque to raise money for New Mexico 
military families affected by Operation Desert 
Storm. The money is being used to provide ser¬ 
vices such as counseling and assistance with 
paying utility bills of families with members 
serving in the Persian Gulf. 

As of March 4, Sandians using the special en¬ 
velopes had donated checks totaling $12,286.78, 
and the mail was still coming in, notes Judy 
Sparacino at First National. The overall fund had 
grown to $76,481.75, including the donations 
mailed by Sandians. 

The total also includes more than $54,000 col¬ 
lected in pledges during a recent weeklong 
telethon for the Desert Storm Family Fund, hosted 
by KOB-TV, Channel 4. 

apply to all Sandia operations at all locations. 

By the end of FY92, PWAs will be completed 
for all waste generators at Sandia. Also by this 
time, waste minimization opportunity assessments 
(specific actions that can be taken by line organiza¬ 
tions to minimize waste) will be completed for the 
highest-priority waste generators. A tentative goal 

Sandia’s Budget 
Victimized by “Unknowns” 

Handling hazardous materials at 
Sandia is expensive. EPA and the Depart¬ 
ment of Transportation require Sandia to 
document the exact contents of every 
shipment of waste sent out, regardless of 
the amount of each chemical shipped. 
Darlene Moore of Hazardous Waste and 
Wastewater Div. 3221 says the biggest 
problem at the Labs is “unknown” or 
abandoned chemicals. 

Chemicals classified as unknown 
cannot simply be labeled “unknown” and 
shipped out, she says. Sandia bears the 
responsibility and the expense of testing 
and characterizing unknowns before 
shipment, which can cost from $200 to 
$2,500 per sample. 

Cost is not the only concern when 
dealing with unknown chemicals, how¬ 
ever. Darlene says storing and testing 
unknowns can also be a safety hazard 
for Labs employees who have to handle 
the chemicals. 

“If we don’t know what’s in a vial, 
how do we know how to handle it?” she 
says. “Employees can really help out by 
keeping better records and labeling their 
chemicals. Also, if you truly can’t deter¬ 
mine what a chemical is, give us as much 
information as possible. That helps reduce 
the cost of analytical testing.” 

Morris Tanenbaum, Vice Chairman and 
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of AT&T, has an¬ 
nounced that he will retire May 1. Tanenbaum 
has been a member of Sandia’s Board of Direc¬ 
tors since January 1990 and is responsible for 
Sandia matters at AT&T. Sandia President A1 
Narath reports to Tanenbaum. 

“We really appreciate the strong interest that 
Morry has taken in Sandia and our work,” says Al. 
“We will miss the leadership and advice he 
brought to Sandia on behalf of AT&T.” 

of 50-percent reduction by FY96 has been set for 
chemical, radioactive, and mixed waste. 

Toughening Up 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 
DOE requirements are driving the program. Ac¬ 
cording to the Resource Conservation and Recov¬ 
ery Act (RCRA), each time Sandia ships out waste, 
it should be able to certify that a formal waste min¬ 
imization program is in place at the Labs. 

DOE orders also require that Sandia estab¬ 
lish goals for reducing hazardous and radioac¬ 
tive waste. Sandia’s Pre-Tiger Team Self- 
Assessment (PTTSA), completed in January, 
reported that Sandia does not fully meet these 

Bob Park (4010), champion of the program 
and member of the Line Managers ES&H Action 
Team, says the benefits of a formal waste mini¬ 
mization program run deeper than just meeting re¬ 
quirements. The biggest benefit is the savings (see 
“Sandia’s Budget Victimized by ‘Unknowns’ ”). 
The bill for December’s handling and shipping 
of chemical waste (not including radioactive, 
mixed, or explosive waste) was more than 
$414,000, he says. 

Waste management costs for FY90 totaled 
more than $10 million. With a waste reduction of 
approximately 50 percent in five years and an an¬ 
nual program cost of only $2 million, Jim says, the 
program should quickly pay for itself. In addition 
to avoiding disposal costs, Sandia would reduce 
the cost of monitoring and treating other environ¬ 
mental effluents such as air and water pollutants. 

“The cost of handling hazardous, radioactive, 
and mixed waste at Sandia is enormous,” says 
Gordon Smith, Manager of Environmental Pro¬ 
grams Dept. 3220. “By avoiding some of these 
costs, we free up R&D dollars. I can’t think of an 
environmental program that has a more profound, 
positive bottom-line effect on our work.” 

A videotape of the Feb. 26 meeting describing 
the role of MinNet reps is available to employees. 
Contact Jim on 6-0367. «JG 

Tanenbaum’s 39-year career in the Bell 
System and AT&T has included assignments in 
virtually every comer of the business. He worked 
in engineering and manufacturing at Western Elec¬ 
tric, where he was named vice president in 1971. 
He also headed New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. 
Tanenbaum was the first chairman of AT&T 
Communications after the Bell System breakup in 
1984 and was made vice chairman of AT&T in 
1986. He has held his present position as vice 
chairman and CFO since 1988. • 

Al Narath (left) chats with 
AT&T’s Morris Tanenbaum 
during his Feb. 28 visit to 
Sandia. Tanenbaum, a 
Sandia Board member, is 
responsible for Sandia mat¬ 
ters at AT&T. He is retiring 
Mayl. (Photo by Oscar 
Goodwin, 3153) 

Sandia’s AT&T Contact 

Tanenbaum Announces Retirement 


March 8,1991 • Page Six 

What Do You Think? 

Improving Cooperation Between Albuquerque & Livermore 

This is the fifth in a series featuring em¬ 
ployee responses to questions posed by the LAB 
NEWS. The idea is to give Sandians an opportu¬ 
nity to suggest ways to make the Labs more effi¬ 
cient, more responsive, and perhaps a better 
place to work. (This series, which has run in con¬ 
secutive issues, will now run periodically — when 
significant questions arise.) 

The current question: What can be done to 
improve cooperation and teamwork between San¬ 
dians at Albuquerque and Livermore? The follow¬ 
ing responses were received. Only minor editing 
changes have been made: 

at both facilities meet on each other’s turf at least 
once a year to swap ideas and information. This 
would entail one trip for each group once a year 
and would foster a better understanding of each 
other’s labs that we could share with the rest of the 
secretaries in our respective labs. 

Harriet Goodness (5260) 

Member of Secretarial Committee 

(1) Keep the lines of communication open be¬ 
tween Albuquerque and Livermore organizations 
that are working on a common project; (2) put your 
contacts at the other site on distribution for infor¬ 
mation that affects work at both sites; (3) do not 
expect the staff from one site to provide inputs to a 

major Sandia project without getting the staff in¬ 
volved sufficiently early and providing them with 
all the necessary ground rules and inputs needed 
(i.e., do not keep staff in the dark until it’s too late 
to respond); and (4) do not expect the staff from 
one site to be at the beck and call of the other site 
all the time, but make the interactions a two-way 
process. I feel that these basic steps are necessary 
to foster the feeling that both sites are a part of one 
Sandia and thereby increase (or create) cooperation 
between the two sites. 

Chittoor “Subra” Subramanian (8511) 

How can we cooperate when we really 
don’t know one another well? There are lots of 
good people doing good work at both locations 
who could probably make genuine contributions 
to projects at the other location — if only we 
knew one another on a professional and per¬ 
sonal level. To remedy this problem, I’d suggest 
a series of open meetings (perhaps monthly) at 
both locations. Researchers and administrators 
(different ones each month) from one location 
could travel to the other location, explain their 
projects, and discuss how Sandians there might 
contribute or benefit. 

Name Withheld by Request 

Both cooperation and teamwork can be 
enhanced through good business practices within, 
for example, the project management (PM) pro¬ 
cess, especially as applied to operating in a matrix 
organization. PM methodology recommends tech¬ 
niques to enhance good (network) communications 
across functional lines — and geographic locations 
— and to nurture team participation in planning 
and executing work. PM also stresses accountabil¬ 
ity and commitment for performing work through 
well-defined internal contracting processes. A re¬ 
sult is improved trust (an element of cooperation) 
among team members. (Incidentally, many PM ele¬ 
ments are being introduced within Sandia via the 
project management initiative coordinated by the 
Project Management Implementation Committee 
and the Project Management Project.) 

Steve Goldstein (9020) 

Third Time’s A Charm 

Sandia Wins Clean 
Air Challenge 

For the third straight year, Sandia is the win¬ 
ner of the annual competition with DOE and 
Kirtland AFB to reduce the number of people 
driving to work. The three-way competition was 
part of Albuquerque’s Better Air Campaign held 
Feb. 4 through 8. 

Nineteen percent of Sandia, Albuquerque 
employees refrained from driving to work at 
least one day during the Challenge by sharing a 
ride with someone else, riding the bus, biking, or 
walking. Participation was indicated by complet¬ 
ing and mailing “Don’t Drive One In Five” 
coupons to Linda Stefoin (3543), Sandia’s com¬ 
muter assistance coordinator. 

Challenge week included an internal competi¬ 
tion among Sandia organizations. The 1000 group 
led the competition this year with 25 percent par¬ 
ticipation. Org. 7000 followed with 23 percent. 

Linda encourages Sandia employees and 
contractors to call her (4-7433) for information 
about ridesharing. She’ll try to match you with 
others who are interested. 


To Sanford Ballard (6231) on the death of his 
father in Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 4. 

To Sue Hansen (6225) on the death of her 
brother in Tennessee, Feb. 15. 

I would like to see the secretarial committees 

News Briefs 

Sandia Helps Produce Superconducting Wires 

Sandia, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Nuclear Metals, Inc., are working together to develop and 
produce high-temperature superconducting wires that carry more electrical current than is possible with 
non-superconducting wires. The three-year collaboration, which Sandia entered into last year, utilizes the 
technical expertise of all three partners. 

The new wires are made of a ceramic powder composed of yttrium, barium, and copper oxide, which is 
manufactured in Process Development Laboratories Dept. 7470 using a Sandia-developed process called co¬ 
precipitation (developed in Chemistry and Ceramics Dept. 1840). The ceramic powder, encapsulated in a 
container called a billet, is forced through a die orifice under high pressure, forming superconducting wire 
with a metal outer sheath. 

Metallurgy Dept. 1830 and Nuclear Materials will design the billets. Nuclear Metals will produce the 
experimental wires, and Sandia’s Electronic Materials Applications Div. 6221 and Los Alamos’ Exploratory 
Research and Development Center will test the wires. 

“This partnership provides a unique opportunity for diverse groups at Sandia and Los Alamos to work 
together with industry and develop a new commercial process,” says Tom Bickel (6221). 

New Technique Measures Area of Thin Films 

Sandia scientists have patented a highly accurate method to measure directly the surface area of minute 
samples of porous, thin films. 

The new technique is 10,000 times more sensitive than existing commercial instruments and provides 
accurate measurements on samples as small as 0.2 square centimeters — about half the surface area of a 
pencil eraser. Commercial systems currently require samples with total surface areas of the size of a small 
desktop to make accurate measurements. 

The technique, developed by Tony Ricco, Steve Martin (both 1163), and Greg Frye (1846), has impor¬ 
tant applications in microelectronics, gas separations, optics, and solar cell industries that use thin films ex¬ 
tensively in manufacturing. They say it can also be used to determine the pore-size distribution of thin 
films and as an aid in designing highly specific chemical sensors, effective catalysts, and gas separation 

The new technique owes its sensitivity to the use of a solid-state sensor called a surface acoustic wave 
(SAW) device. 

Public Can Comment on DOE Reconfiguration 

Albuquerque residents will have a chance to comment on the reconfiguration of DOE’s nuclear weapon 
complex at the first of several nationwide public scoping meetings March 20. 

The reconfiguration may involve relocation and possible unification of the Rocky Flats Plant near Den¬ 
ver, the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and the Pantex Plant in Amarillo. 

These sites and others proposed by state governments, federal agencies, and the public will be examined 
in a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), which will propose ways to reconfigure the nu¬ 
clear weapon complex while meeting present and future environmental standards. 

Public comment will be solicited at meetings between now and September regarding all 13 weapon 
complex sites across the country. The March 20 Albuquerque meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. at the Albu¬ 
querque Convention Center. A second day will be scheduled if needed. 

New Solar Receiver Improves Efficiency 

In recent tests at Sandia, a new device that converts sunlight to heat has been proven more efficient 
than earlier designs and better able to cope with natural fluctuations in sunlight, such as that caused by 
a passing cloud. 

Called a reflux pool-boiler receiver, the experimental solar device achieved an efficiency of about 90 
percent in converting the sun’s energy to heat. 

“All things being equal — such as aperture size, operating temperature, and input power — this is a 
much more efficient receiver technology,” says Rich Diver (6217). Other Sandians involved in the pro¬ 
ject are Chuck Andraka (6217), Jim Moreno (6217), Craig Ginn (6315), Vern Dudley (6215), and Scott 
Rawlinson (6215). 

The improved receiver works much like a stovetop double boiler. It uses a pool of liquid metal — in this 
case, molten sodium — to transfer heat from the face of the receiver to the helium-filled heater tubes of a 
Stirling engine. An advantage of the pool-boiler is that it transfers heat uniformly to the engine’s heater head 
tubes. Boiling stability was achieved by adding minute cavities to the interior surface of the stainless steel 
dome of the 75-kilowatt receiver, an idea proposed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology more than 
20 years ago but only now applied to a practical device. 

Receivers turn concentrated sunlight reflected from a parabolic mirror into heat that can be used by an 
engine to generate electricity. 


March 8,1991 • Page Seven 

fesS Unback 

( 3 : Before the holiday break, I had the “A” 
drive on my computer replaced. After the repair 
person left, I noticed he had left the old drive on 
my desk. I thought he must have forgotten it — 
surely our computer repair organization does 
something with replaced parts. I called the repair 
person and asked if he had forgotten to take it with 
him. He said he was not supposed to take defective 
parts with him and instructed me to throw the 
drive away. What a wasteful practice! 1 can’t be¬ 
lieve Sandia doesn’t have some way to recycle 
such parts. If we can recycle paper, plastic, and 
glass products, can’t we reuse the boards, wires, 
and other components of computer parts? I would 
like a manager at Sandia to “officially” tell me to 
throw this hardware away. 

A: You are correct in your belief that we 
should not throw excess or broken hardware in the 
trash. Property Reapplication Div. 3414 has av¬ 
enues for determining the destination of such 
items by making them available to federal, state, 
and local agencies, and public schools. If such 
items are not reassigned, we sell them at our 
monthly auction. Several parties at the auctions pur¬ 
chase such items for salvaging or reconditioning. 

Complete a “delivery of non-hazardous prop- 
erty/material” (DTR) form for any items that do 
not have property control numbers on them, and 
call either Jim at 4-7597 or Bonnie at 4-2171 to 
schedule items for inspection and pickup. 

We will make sure the repair people are aware 
of this procedure. Thanks for your inquiry. 

Jim Martin (3400) 

Q: The southwest entrance to Bldg. 836 has 
automatic doors for handicapped access that have 
a large actuator button on the inside and a motion 
sensor on the outside. A safety problem arises 
when people who are too lazy to open the doors 
manually or who find it clever to operate them au¬ 
tomatically cause the doors to open suddenly with¬ 
out warning. I have often experienced near misses; 
warning signs are posted on the doors, but they are 
not much help. 

I suggest adding a short delay to the activa¬ 
tion mechanism along with a warning buzzer. This 
would thwart inappropriate use of the automatic 
button and would not greatly inconvenience people 
who really need this service. 

A: We have investigated your comments and 
thank you for your observation. We discussed the 
situation with “proper” users of the automatic door 
and agreed that it was a safety hazard to have all 
the doors open at once. We are working on a pro¬ 
ject to modify the doors so that only the door leafs 
to the right of the user will open automatically. 
This should eliminate the hazard to people entering 
or exiting from the opposite side. We will also post 
entrance and exit signs on the doors to help support 
the conventional traffic pattern of keeping to the 

I am bothered by your comment about Sandia 
employees playing with the mechanisms and will 
share this with management in Bldg. 836 — such 
behavior is unacceptable. 

Ward Hunnicutt (7800) 

Q: As I walk to and fro across Tech Area I, I 
try to be a “responsible citizen" and pick up trash 
on the street. Paper and cloth present no problem, 
but wood and metal do, particularly larger pieces 
— my largest so far is a 2x2 piece of plywood! But 
dumpsters specifically exclude wood, metal, and 
liquids, and trash cans are often too small. 

A: We appreciate your interest in keeping 
Sandia’s property clean. 

The trash in dumpsters is periodically picked 
up by Transportation Sec. 3423-1 and deposited in 
the KAFB landfill. We must keep wood and metal 

out of the trash because it causes severe damage to 
the refuse truck during compacting. Scrap wood 
can be placed beside the dumpsters to be picked up 
by Support Services Sec. 7813-4 on a routine ser¬ 
vice call, or employees can call Telecon through 
Div. 7851 and request a pickup. 

Scrap metal, on the other hand, is recyclable 
and is picked up by Reapplication Div. 3414. Cur¬ 
rently, there are a few scrap metal containers in the 
tech areas, and more containers will be provided as 
necessary. However, Reapplication will pick up 
scrap metal upon request. 

Jim Martin (3400) 

Q: In March, 1990, two personal checks I had 
attached to expense vouchers were lost. When told 
I was overdue on paying back the money, I had to 
go to Finance and submit two more checks. The 
first two checks never turned up. Another check 
that I attached to an expense voucher Oct. 8 was 
misplaced. Our secretaries say they take the 
checks off the vouchers and mail them separately 
to Finance. If this is not done, I understand that 
Vouchering removes the checks and mails them to 
Finance. Since my division supervisor will not sign 
a voucher without a check or receipt from Finance 
attached, I know the check was there when it was 
signed. All of the checks had the TACA number, my 
employee and division numbers, and a notation 
that they were for travel funds. 

I cannot believe that something is not badly 
wrong with the process for handling these checks. 
I also cannot believe that I am the only person 
whose checks were lost, unless everyone else takes 
their checks personally or has a secretary take 
them to Finance. My telephone inquiries regarding 
the checks only get the response that no one knows 
what happened to them. 

A: It is possible for documents, especially of 
different sizes and weights, to be separated from 
the main body of an expense voucher as it passes 
through the many steps of approval and review. 
However, although you say that three of your 
checks were lost, our experience, based on cus¬ 
tomer interaction, is that very few checks actually 
fail to reach their destination in the Employee 
Accounts system. 

To reduce the risk of a check becoming sepa¬ 
rated from the expense voucher, we recommend 
the following: Pay monies owed to Finance, Org. 
4021 (or Org. 8523 in Livermore) in person and 
record the receipt number on your expense 
voucher. Or attach the check to the Finance copy 
of the expense voucher and mail it directly to 
“Teller,” Org. 4021 (or 8523). This way, no one ex¬ 
cept the teller inputting the data will have to handle 
the check. 

Paul Stanford (100) 

Q: It seems that whenever we fill out medical, 
dental, or vision care claim forms, there is a 
tremendous amount of duplication, especially 
when listing additional carriers. It should be pos¬ 
sible to just give the employee’s name, the pa¬ 
tient’s name, and any information that differs 
from the baseline for that patient. This would 
save time on both ends. 

A: Thank you for your question. The infor¬ 
mation requested on claim forms for Sandia’s 
medical, dental, and vision plans is primarily to 
find out if a patient has other insurance cover¬ 
age. This enables the claims adminstrator to de¬ 
termine if Sandia has primary responsibility for 
reimbursement of the submitted expense. In this 
age of computers, the information you provide 
at the beginning of the year is maintained on¬ 
line by the claims administrator. Therefore, 
when filing subsequent claims, you may simply 
indicate there has been no change by marking 

each section with N/C. 

When Sandia awards contracts for claims ad¬ 
ministration, one of the things evaluated is the 
administrator’s ability to assure that reimburse¬ 
ments are made only when Sandia is responsible 
for the expense. Claims examiners are trained to 
look for indications that other insurance may ex¬ 
ist. If this section is not completed, they may re¬ 
quest additional information. Therefore, once you 
have submitted a form, it is important that you in¬ 
dicate on each additional form that the informa¬ 
tion has not changed. Periodically, the claims 
examiner will send follow-up requests to assure 
the information is correct. 

Ralph Bonner (3500) 

Q: Office Safety Inspection Sheet SA 2020-C, 
now being routed with a proposed generic Office 
Safety Standard Operating Procedure, needs more 
review. I suggest placing columns with the headings 
“OK,” “Not Applicable,” and “Needs Action" af¬ 
ter the “Items” column and before the columns 
with the headings “Hazard,” “Action Taken," and 
“Date Completed. ” This permits a simple check 
mark to speed up filling out the form. 

A: I appreciate the time you took to recom¬ 
mend changes for filling out the Office Safety In¬ 
spection form. A new Office Safety Program is 
being reviewed that includes the Office Safety In¬ 
spection form, which is also being revised. Your 
comments have been referred to the Program’s 
writer for consideration. 

The Office Safety Program is a prototype pro¬ 
gram that will be evaluated by line organizations. 
If the proposed inspection form does not work, it 
will be changed. 

Nestor Ortiz (3200) 

Q: Recently, medical insurance fees for Class 
II dependents were increased from $50 a month to 
$67.50. What was the basis for justifying this in¬ 
crease, since those who enrolled their dependents 
prior to Jan. 1,1987 (an arbitrary date) continue 
to receive coverage at no cost? If additional fees 
are required, why not distribute them among all 
who have Class II dependents? The present policy 
not only appears to be grossly unfair but may also 
be illegal, since it obviously discriminates against 
a small group of individuals. 

A: Thank you for your question. In keeping 
with the requirements of the DOE/AT&T contract, 
it is important that the Sandia Medical Care Plan 
follow that of AT&T. Class II dependents are fam¬ 
ily members who do not fit the usual definition of 
dependents covered by group-sponsored medical 
plans. Sandia followed AT&T by extending cover¬ 
age to Class II dependents Jan. 1, 1985, at a time 
when neither Sandia nor AT&T required contribu¬ 
tions toward the coverage. On June 1, 1986, AT&T 
began charging $50 for a Class II dependent; 
Sandia followed by charging $50 starting Jan. 1, 
1987. However, both AT&T and Sandia allowed 
all Class II dependents enrolled prior to the date 
contributions began to remain exempt from the 
contribution. On Jan. 1, 1990, AT&T increased the 
contribution to $67.50, adjustable annually; Sandia 
followed on Jan. 1, 1991. Since AT&T included a 
provision for annual increases, Sandia will also ad¬ 
just contributions based on cost increases. 

I would like to point out that the contribution 
you are making toward your Class II dependent’s 
coverage is less than Sandia’s actual cost for indi¬ 
vidual coverage under the Sandia Medical Care 
Plan. The present cost of individual coverage is 
$122 per month. If your needs for coverage do not 
require that you maintain a comprehensive plan 
like Sandia’s, I encourage you to investigate indi¬ 
vidual policies through local insurance brokers. 

Ralph Bonner (3500) 



March 1991 

A. L. Ouellette 

Elizabeth Frost 

Edwin Kjeldgaard 

A. T. Schwyzer 

Daniel Sheldon 
15 7223 

John Matter 
40 5212 

Helen Moseley 

Ronald Husa 

Stanley Piekunko 

Ken Eckelmeyer 

_ A 

Coronado Club Offers Freebies to New Members 

Question: What’s the difference between a 
couch potato and an extrovert? 

Answer: One belongs to the Coronado Club 
(guess which one). 

But now, for a limited time only, anyone who 
is not a member may join and get two months free 
dues. This includes all bingo lovers, healthy eaters, 
avid swimmers, moviegoers, people with children, 
and general all-around fun-lovers. 

Sandians and DOE employees who sign up for 
the payroll deduction program during this year’s 
membership drive, from March 25 through April 
5, will not be charged for two months, says Club 
General Manager Sal Salas. Dues of $96 for the 
following 12 months will then be collected on a 
monthly basis, at a rate of $8 a month. All other 
base employees are also welcome to join, but must 
pay $96 in advance for 14 months of membership. 

Sandians and DOE employees may also pay in 
advance if they choose. 

Folks who sign up will also receive several 
gifts, including a coffee mug that says “Coronado 
Club -— I Belong,” a Frisbee, a discount coupon 
toward Friday dinner or Sunday brunch, a $2.50 
bingo discount, lunch and a splash in the Coronado 
Club pool for only $3.95. 

That’s in addition to all the other benefits 
Club members enjoy, such as access to the Club’s 
pool and patio (open from Memorial Day to 
Labor Day), eligibility for swimming and tennis 
lessons (signups begin April 1), and dinner 
dances with live bands on Friday evenings, notes 
Sal. Members pay $3 to use the pool or may buy 
a season pass. 

Other benefits include children’s events such 
as bingo and Halloween parties, discount lunches 
in the Club’s dining room, discount movie tickets, 
discount bingo games, use of Club tennis courts, 
discount lounge prices, family events, champagne 
brunches and tea dances, and eligibility for mem¬ 

bership in a variety of well-known activity groups 
such as the Coronado Ski Club, Aquatic Club for 
children, and the Thunderbird Retirees Group. 

Sandia and DOE retirees are entitled to join 
the Club for half the normal price — $48 for a full 

year. If they join now, they get two months free. 

Registration during the two-week member¬ 
ship drive will take place at the Coronado Club 
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 
and 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. • 

WE’LL SAVE YOU, SERVE YOU, COOK FOR YOU, PAMPER YOU — Eagerly awaiting the arrival of new 
members are (from left) Coronado Club lifeguard Darlene Meloche, head chef Hank Perez, General 
Manager Sal Salas, and waitress Elizabeth Burns. (Photo by Randy Montoya, 3162) 


March 8,1991 • Page Ten 

ffesS finback 

Q: In Livermore, when usable items were sent 
to Reclamation, a list of those items was sent to 
all divisions to see if anyone wanted them. At Al¬ 
buquerque, because ofES&H cleanup as well as 
normal replacement of used instruments, many 
items, such as unused glassware, replacement 
parts for older equipment, sample holders, or 
other materials that had to be purchased by the 
case when smaller amounts were needed, are be¬ 
ing discarded. Yet tight budgets may now make 
such items desirable to other organizations at 
Sandia. Would it be possible to issue a monthly 
list of available items in either a memo to supervi¬ 
sors or a notice in the Weekly Bulletin? A pro¬ 
gram like this might save Sandia a lot of money 
and result in less waste. 

A: Thank you; this is a timely inquiry. Prop¬ 
erty Reapplication is working with the 3400 Sys¬ 
tems Organization to develop a data base of 
reusable controlled property (S, V, or R num¬ 
bered). Though the volume of property we handle 
precludes us from distributing hard-copy listings 
either in the Weekly Bulletin or in special an¬ 
nouncements, we intend to have an on-line look¬ 
up system available within the next few months. 
Once this system is implemented, employees will 
be able to call Property Reapplication to see if a 
particular item is available. The stockkeeper can 
consult the look-up system and provide informa¬ 
tion on the particular item the customer is seeking 
as well as similar items. 

A materials data base (for items other than 
controlled property) will be developed later. Mate¬ 
rials such as glassware or sample holders are re¬ 
ceived and redistributed so quickly that a listing 
would be outdated almost as soon as it could be is¬ 
sued. This would also be a very long list requiring 
a significant amount of time and paper to repro¬ 
duce and distribute. 

We will continue to seek improvements and 
we hope to provide a satisfactory system in the 
next year or so. Until then, we encourage all em¬ 

ployees to visit the new salvage yard (Wyoming 
Boulevard at the road to Tech Area II) and the 
Bldg. 957 warehouse to shop for reusable items. 
If property or materials can be reused, it will in¬ 
deed help Sandia to make more effective use of its 
limited resources. 

Jim Martin (3400) 

Q: Recently, I wanted to buy a piece of fiber¬ 
optic inspection equipment. In order to evaluate 
it before buying, 1 decided to express-mail a 
piece of material for the supplier to inspect and 
return. The material cost about $5. But I discov¬ 
ered that I can’t ship the material without a PO 
number or a Property Movement Authorization 
number, which is given out by one person in Div. 
153 (and even that requires a memo from my de¬ 
partment manager). The alternative is to skirt the 
rules, go downdown to a Federal Express booth 
(or other express mail outlet), pay for it myself, 
and get reimbursed from petty cash. 

Am I mistaken about this? Is there some 
code I can use that I don’t know about? If not, 
why do we not have a minimum, no-authoriza- 
tion-required amount like $100, and someone I 
can call to get a shipping number? It appears I 
could order $500 worth of things through JIT 
more easily than I can ship a $5 item. Thank you 
for your attention and response. 

A: Part of your question has to do with the 
policies and procedures Sandia uses to protect 
government property and would be more appropri¬ 
ately addressed to Property Management Services 
Dept. 3410. 

The rest of your inquiry has to do with 

• The purchases employees can make through 
JIT are easier to accomplish because Purchasing 
has already placed the appropriate contract and ne¬ 
gotiated price, delivery, and all other terms that 
govern the transaction. 

• Secondly, it appears, based on your inquiry, 

that you are trying to qualify a contractor through 
a test performed on material furnished by Sandia. 
This sounds like a situation where a Sandia Con¬ 
tracting Representative could provide some assis¬ 
tance. If you fill out a Purchase Requisition and 
identify this source and other possible sources, 
the representative can furnish the test material to 
each contractor as part of the qualification pro¬ 
cess. This would maintain accountability for gov¬ 
ernment property and perhaps increase the quality 
of the procurement. 

Bob Zaeh (3700) 

Q: It is much too difficult to send a floppy 
disc to an outside contractor. I can walk a 60- 
page document over to shipping with two address 
labels and it will be sent via overnight mail, yet 
if I take the same document on a floppy disk, I 
need to fill out a shipper with signatures from my 
supervisor and the buyer. Let’s get this system in 
step with the ’90s! 

A: I concur that not just floppies but most me¬ 
dia should be shipped just as documents are — 
without shippers, but with an indication of organi¬ 
zation and chargeable case number. Procedures are 
under review to make this change. A security con¬ 
cern may arise from the need for verification of 
the absence of classified information. 

Lewis Roach (3743-1) 

Q: Talk about “Barrier Busters.” The 
Sandia Weekly Bulletin on Nov. 27, 1990, 
indicates a new Property Reapplication 
requirement. The notice states that all items 
sent to Org. 3414 must be listed separately, 
such as 1 ea. pencil, 1 ea. paper clip, 1 ea. 
woodscrew, 1 ea. washer (size?), etc., etc., etc. 

I thought part of the new Sandia policy was 
to decrease, not increase, red tape. This new 
barrier can only lead to more lost time and 
very full dumpsters. Lost time is lost money. 

A: Though we overstated the item in the 
Weekly Bulletin to emphasize how individual 
items should be described (on a “Delivery of Non- 
Hazardous Items to Property Reapplication” 
form), we did not intend for every paper clip and 
pencil to be counted. We did intend to have each 
commodity listed as a separate line item: 1 box 
paper clips, two staplers, 1 in-out basket, 12 ea. 
20-foot length 1-inch mild steel pipe, etc. 

In the past few years, we have gotten away 
from accounting for excess materials received in 
Reapplication. We allowed deliveries of items de¬ 
scribed only as “miscellaneous office supplies” or 
“miscellaneous scrap.” We are required to have 
documentation, and these vague descriptions did 
not allow us to properly identify what we had 
available to SNL employees or other federal, state, 
and local agencies. In addition, we now have the 
auction service, and we must itemize each item for 
accountability and audit purposes. 

Complete documentation also makes it pos¬ 
sible to follow up on items that become intermin¬ 
gled with other materials. For example, if 
environmental hazards are discovered in a ship¬ 
ment, we know who to contact for more informa¬ 
tion. Line-item listings also enable a supervisor to 
know exactly what is being authorized, an impor¬ 
tant consideration in today’s environment of de¬ 
creasing budgets, ES&H, Quality Improvement, 
and ownership and accountability. Another bene¬ 
fit of line-item listings is that we can respond 
more adequately to phone inquiries about the 
availability of certain materials, a system that 
will be automated in the next year or so. 

Thank you for your inquiry. I hope I have 
been able to explain that, in order to provide the 
most efficient customer service possible, we need 
the assistance of all Sandians. We did not intend 
to increase “red tape.” 

Recent Retirees 

r XfJ 

Marcel Reynolds Fran Roelle 

9115 34 7200 

Edward Steele Virginia Leatherman Robert Buxton James McKenzie 

7813 13 3731 23 7322 31 5210 25 

Dick Dye 

Warren Bronson Hank Kerr 

21 9331 36 7341 

Johnny Hartley 

Jim Martin (3400) 


March 8,1991 • Page Eleven 


Albuquerque — Lisa Bunting (3213), 
Pauline Duran (22-2), Mary Wendt (21-1); Other 
New Mexico — Isabel Martinez (21-1), Martha 
Sterling (22-2). 

Elsewhere: Virginia — Joseph Galaska (7853). 

Fun & Games 

Golf — The Sandia Women’s Golf Associa¬ 
tion (SWGA) will hold its annual membership 
drive meeting on March 11 at the Coronado Club 
from 4:45 to 7 p.m. SWGA offers women golfers 
the chance to join leagues, take golf lessons, and 
play in tournaments. For information, call Suzette 
Beck (153) on 296-8632. 

Sandians and DOE employees are 
invited to purchase discount tickets 
to the New Mexico Symphony 
Orchestra Friday, April 12, to help 
Musical Director Neal Stulberg 
celebrate his 37th birthday. The pro¬ 
gram features Vaughan Williams’ 
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas 
Tallis, Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 
22, Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 4, 
and Ravel's Bolero, as well as a 
performance by the Albuquerque 
Youth Symphony. Reservations for 
the $8 tickets may be made Mon¬ 
day through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 
5 p.m., by calling 842-8565; iden¬ 
tify yourself as a Sandia or DOE 
employee to get the special price. 


Deadline: Friday noon before 
week of publication unless changed 
by holiday. Mail to Div. 3162. 

Ad Rules 

1. Limit 20 words, including last name 
and home phone. 

2. Include organization and full name 
with each ad submission. 

3. Submit each ad in writing. No 

4. Use 8'b by 11 -inch paper. 

5. Use separate sheet for each ad 

6. Type or print ads legibly; use only 
accepted abbreviations. 

7. One ad per category per issue. 

8. No more than two insertions of 
same ‘lor sale” or “wanted” item. 

9. No “For Rent" ads except for em¬ 
ployees on temporary assignment. 

10. No commercial ads. 

11. For active and retired Sandians 
and DOE employees. 

12. Housing listed for sale is available 
for occupancy without regard to 
race, creed, color, or national origin. 


200mm, $50; Oster hair-trimming 
set, $10; small student desk, $20. 
Anderson, 897-2772. 

LOGAN LATHE, 12-in. swing, w/draw 
bar, set of collets & tool holders, 
$4,000. Eaton, 869-2847. 

size, female, spayed, shots, tags, free 
to good home. Holmes, 897-0916. 

CHINA, service for 12 plus all serving 
pieces, white w/silver-flowered 
trim, never used, $135. Locher, 

TELEVISIONS, 19-in. Zenith, 2 color, 1 
black & white, all w/stands. 
Burbank, 299-1460. 

RGX211 electric guitar. Bray, 

ALCOHOL LAMP, for wax-working, 
$1.50; Taylor jacketed thermometer, 
-40’ F to +120* F, $5; hand saw, $5. 
Henry, 266-6467. 

BUNK BEDROOM SET, w/dressers, 
$375; Simmons hospital bed, $350. 
Schimke, 299-9384. 

TRAVEL TRAILER, ‘87 Wilderness 
model 25N, 25-ft., all amenities ex¬ 
cept AC & awning, $9,000. Fifer, 

METAL LATHE, Monarch 10EE, 10” x 
30”, needs minor work, has some 
tooling, $58,000 new, sell for 
$4,500. McDowell, 281-1509. 

SKIS, 175cm, Elan, w/Salomon bind¬ 
ings, $85; woman’s size 6-1/2 rear- 
entry boots, $35; both $110. Horton, 
883-7504, leave message. 

BUNNY RABBITS, free. Ahr, 883-0459. 

week, sleeps 8, $7,000 sale price or 
$1,000 for 1 week use. Johnson, 

model 18C Business Consultant, 
$60. James, 298-0709. 

UPRIGHT FREEZER, Wards, white, 
approx. 9.5 cu. ft., $75. Sturgeon, 

$35. Chirigos, 298-3837. 

15, $50/both OBO. Snodgrass, 

Romero, 873-3652. 

ZEBRA FINCHES, 1 female, 2 males, 
w/2 cages, free to good home. 
Ginn, 883-0004. 

YOUTH BED, w/7-in.-thick mattress, 3 
drawers built in, 78” L x 41 ” W x 24” 
H, $100; AM/FM turntable stereo 
console, blond oak, $50. Stang, 

$35; 1520 plotter, $40; Vadic mo¬ 
dem, $25; B&W monitor, $10; Astro 
compass, $25; tripod & photo equip¬ 
ment. Shepherd, 299-9066. 

fireplace, includes 6 logs, grate, & 
gas burner. Barth, 294-3357. 

CALCULATOR, HP48SX scientific, ex¬ 
pandable, new, w/warranty, 128KB 
ROM, 32KB RAM, $200. Spears, 

TRAVEL TRAILER, '88 Komfort, 24- 
ft., queen-size sofa bed, 2 bunk 
beds, AC, carpet, $6,900. Romero, 

1200 pump, 12-gauge, rib barrel, full 
choke, $250; Ithica military 45, nick¬ 
el-plated, shot 6 times, $500. Hale, 

UPRIGHT PIANO, Wurlitzer, $900. 
Adams, 821-9079. 

AUTOCAD RELEASE 9, new, in box, 
$499. Luther, 293-4462. 

DINING TABLE and 4 chairs, solid 
maple, 46-in. round table w/two 
12-in. leaves, protective cover, 
$195 OBO. McCord, 281-2146. 

UPRIGHT PIANO, needs tuning, $300. 
Grimley, 821-4201. 

TRAVEL TRAILER, Aristocrat, 16-ft., 
stove w/oven, refrigerator, heater, 
toilet, electric brakes, equalizer 
hitch, $1,250. Bush, 281-3773. 

GOLF CLUBS, left HD, woods (1 & 5), 
irons (3-PW), $100. Klinetobe, 

BED LINER, fits new Chev. or GMC 
truck, new, $150. Surran, 256-7344. 

(16x32), solar cover & roller, safety 
cover, 100-gpm pump, filter, spring 
board. Holmes, 292-0898. 

SNOW TIRES, P195/75D 14 M/S, 1 
pair, used one season, $30. Helling, 
294-4312, leave message. 

TRUCK TOOL BOX, never installed, 
$50; waist-high beam scale, doc¬ 
tor/clinic style, $50. Baird, 891-5497. 

BABY CRIB, maple, Jenny Lind style, 
w/mattress, $55. Leslie, 293-0339. 

VIOLIN, 4/4, made in West Germany, 
w/carrying case & shoulder rest, 
$400. Jensen, 821-6178. 

CONSOLE PIANO, Baldwin Acrosonic, 
dark wood, matching bench, you 
move, $475. Hawley, 299-2516. 

GLASS PATIO DOORS: one 29-1/2” x 
79-1/2”, one 31” x 79-1/2”, triple- 
tempered, w/3 screen doors, first 
$5. Hollister, 296-8055. 

1977, approx. 36” x 32”. Baca, 
296-6985 evenings. 

CAR COVER, water resistant, no tears, 
all cables, locks, etc., fits medium- 
size car, $25. Goodson, 265-2080. 

ranch, female pelts, size 6-8, 
$2,000. Simon, 299-8468. 

TICKETS: 1 round-trip, Dallas/Albu¬ 
querque, departs May 24, returns 
May 26, male ticket holder, $90. 
Schneider, 344-6626 evenings. 

voice, built-in sequencer, w/power 
supply & strap; $300; short-scale 
bass guitar, white, $100. See, 

LAWN MOWER, Craftsman 20-in., $80. 
Beer, 828-2755. 

MOVING SALE: kitchen cabinets, 
housewares, furniture, clothing, 
Avon bottle collection, more. 
Siegrist, 293-4148. 

LOVE SEAT, tan corduroy, $50. Pom- 
peo, 265-5396. 

SECTIONAL SOFA, 3-piece, Flexsteel, 
beige, $150. Mills, 299-4752. 

AC, awning, microwave, TV anten¬ 
na & booster, spare tire, extra bat¬ 
tery. Benson, 268-9727. 

registered, has papers, free to 
good home. Cox, 298-1602, leave 

TWIN BOX SPRINGS, fit king-size mat¬ 
tress, Simmons Beautyrest, king- 
size frame, 4 yrs. old, $120. Brinker, 

.50-cal., crafted by P. Bondini, 
w/stand, $250; Whirlpool spa, un¬ 
used, $50; cage, 19” x 29” x 25”, 
$25. Johnson, 293-3864. 

LEATHER JACKET, rust color, new, 
western style, $100. Garcia, 

O’Keefe & Merritt, coppertone, 19 
yrs. old, $200. Zirzow, 281-9896. 

lawn mower, $50. Stromberg, 

PC CLONE, 20-MHz 80286, 16-bit 
VGA, 68-Meg hard drive, 2-Meg 
RAM, 2S1P1G, 5.25 & 3.5 flop¬ 
py, mouse, $1,100. Anastasio, 

ENLARGERS: Beseler 45MXT, w/ac- 
cessories, $600; cold light for Besel¬ 
er, $100; Vivitar color enlarger (35, 
6x6), w/50mm Nikkor, accessories, 
$325. Desjarlais, 296-9048. 

$150; solid maple double bedframe, 
$75. Kruse, 271-8930. 

made, ivory, 128” x 84”, $65; 2 pair 
celery-green drapes, 94” x 84”, 
$40/ea. Biffle, 293-7043. 

quality, $350; hard drive and con¬ 
troller card, IBM PC or compatibles, 
1/2 height, 20MB, $200. Carson, 


BOY’S 16-IN. BIKE, $20; bike rack, 
$20. Anderson, 897-2772. 

'86 PACE ARROW, 30-ft., 16K miles, 
back bath, twin beds, free coast-to- 
coast, $31,500. Eaton, 869-2847. 

’82 SUZUKI GS750E, $850; Honda 
Hobbit motorbike, $110; 82 Olds. 
Ciera Brougham, one owner, load¬ 
ed, 68K miles. Bray, 292-2410. 

assembled, won in contest, best of¬ 
fer. Laderach, 888-0712. 

loaded; '83 Harley-Davidson Wide 
Glide, chrome, extras. Garcia, 
344-3406, leave message. 

’81 CHEV. LUV DIESEL, block heater, 
5-spd., bed liner, spoke wheels, 
chrome bumpers, 52K miles, $2,500 
OBO. Lovato, 897-2523. 

’68 COUGAR, 75K miles, AT, AC, orig¬ 
inal paint, 302 engine, bench seat, 
$3,500. Vandetti, 299-2318. 

’74 OLDS. CUTLASS, one owner, 350 
V-8, $3,000. Puccini, 821-0121. 

'84 BRONCO II XLT, 4x4, AC, tilt, 
cruise, 5-spd., AM/FM cassette, roof 
rack, one owner, $5,495. Barham, 

CrMo frame, Shimano, DiaCompe, 
& Sakae components, $200. 
Spence, 268-7396. 

’78 TOYOTA CELICA, 5-spd., AC, 
$800. Thurston, 821-8579. 

WOMAN’S BICYCLE, 10-spd., 26-in„ 
$70. Hale, 823-9563. 

3.8L V-6, all power, 43K miles, 
below retail, $9,000. Brandvold, 

BMX BICYCLE, Haro Freestyle, w/ex- 
tras, $150. Grimley, 821-4201. 

’76 JEEP WAGONEER, 4x4, receiver 
hitch, dual gas tanks, rebuilt AT, AC, 
new paint, 82K miles, $2,500. Bush, 

'73 OLDS. LUXURY SEDAN, load¬ 
ed, 38K miles, $5,500. Surran, 

’83 FORD RANGER, 4-spd., PS, PB, 
AC, LWB, matching shell, 37K 
miles, $3,500. Anderson, 293-2490 
after March 10. 

30K miles, 5-spd., AC, PW, PL, 
AM/FM cassette, black, $12,000. 
Downs, 898-6641. 

'81 DATSUN 280ZX, T-top, loaded. 
Johnson, 898-7244. 

movable roof, extended warranty, 
21K miles. Hughes, 293-7320. 

'73 MERCEDES 280, 4-dr„ AT, PS, PB, 
AC, $4,500 OBO. Levy, 821-2294. 

’89 HONDA ACCORD LXi, Mercedes 
green, 5-spd., 2-dr., 31K miles, com¬ 
plete maintenance records, 
$10,600. Schneider, 344-6626 

WAGON, 6-cyl., w/overdrive, needs 
front end work, can direct you to 
parts required. Brion, 298-1761. 

6.9L, all extras. Tucker, 869-3469 
after 5 p.m. 

’85 NISSAN STANZA, light blue, 5-spd., 
AM/FM cassette, 86K miles, $3,800. 
Karr, 821-1309. 

’74 FORD TORINO, one owner, 65K 
miles, AT, PS, PB, stereo. Siegrist, 

’83 RENAULT ALLIANCE, 4-dr„ 5-spd., 
AC, PS, 74K miles, 33-mpg, new 
brakes & clutch, $1,700. O’Hern, 

’46 CHEV. SCHOOL BUS, fitted 
w/beds, 283 V-8, $1,000 OBO. 
Stromberg, 255-6131. 

’89 KAWASAKI NINJA 600, 3K miles, 
white, $3,800. Durkee, 255-4211. 

MINI-MOTORHOME, 22-ft., self-con¬ 
tained, sleeps 8, AC, generator, PS, 
PB, cruise, more, $6,900. Fisher, 


3-BDR. MODULAR HOME, 2 baths, 
1,300 sq. ft., assume, $271/month¬ 
ly; 1-1/3 acres land, South Valley, 
assume, $204/monthly. Flores, 

1/2 ACRE, north of Belen, set up for 
mobile home, utilities, fenced, 
$17,000. Marquez, 831-3088 after 
5 p.m. 

3-BDR. HOME, 1-3/4 baths, 1,800 
sq. ft., passive solar, cedar sid¬ 
ing, detached garage, 2 acres, 
1 mi. south of Tijeras, $99,000. 
Van Geet, 281-4131. 

2- BDR. COTTAGE on wooded lake- 

front property, on cove at Lake 
Bridgeport, Tex., screened porch, 
furnished. Hawley, 299-2516. 

3- BDR. TOWNHOUSE, Four Hills Addi¬ 

tion, 1,100 sq. ft., garage, wood- 
stove, 1-3/4 baths, sprinklers, land¬ 
scaped, fruit trees, $61,500. Walker, 

3- BDR. HOME, 1-3/4 baths, den 

w/wood-buming stove, Juan Tabo & 
Lomas area, $67,900. Stefanov, 

4- BDR. HOME, 2 baths, 2,050 sq. ft., 

new carpet & roof, HHH & 
LaCueva schools, $133,000. 
Jensen, 821-4291. 

3-BDR. HOME, 1-3/4 baths, 1,575 
sq. ft., living room, den, 2-car 
garage, San Antonio & Louisiana 
area, assumable 8 % loan. Cover, 

3-BDR. HOME, Four Hills Addition, 
1-3/4 baths, 2-car garage, new 
carpet, 2-1/2 miles from KAFB. 
Martinez, 296-9035. 


WHEELCHAIR for elderly parent. 
Schamaun, 298-5192. 

PRINTER, 9/24-pin, wide-carriage, pre¬ 
fer IBM 5182 or Epson. Robinson, 

KILNS: electric, ceramic/pottery, 
enamelling, cloisonne, or glass 
fusing; other equipment used in 
these processes. Rice, 291-0182 
or 298-3242. 

HOUSEMATE, to share 3-bdr. 2-bath 
home, swimming pool, washer/dryer, 
2 blocks northwest of Louisiana and 
Candelaria, $300/mo. Semonisck, 

back country hike in the Grand 
Canyon, March 29-April 7. Mattox, 

BICYCLE TRAILER, child-carrier type, 
needed to pull my son behind bicy¬ 
cle. Greer, 281-4688. 

relating to ownership of 1970 and 
later Volkswagen vans. Zirzow, 

GOLF CART, aluminum. Stromberg, 

LAB NEWS • March 8,1991 - Page Twelve 

Coronado Club Activities 

C-Club Remembers Its Members 

Events Calendar 

Events Calendar items are gathered from various 
sources. Readers should confirm times and dates of 
interest whenever possible. 

March 8-9 — Classical Concert Series: “The 
Prayer of Christ Ascending to the Father,” from “L’As¬ 
cension” by Messiaen; and “Requiem” by Verdi; New 
Mexico Symphony Orchestra and Chorus; 8:15 p.m., 
Popejoy Hall, 842-8565. 

March 8-15 — “2,000 Years of Contemporary New 
Mexico Ceramics,” eclectic assortment of ceramics in¬ 
tended to demonstrate visual diversity and draw to¬ 
gether the history of New Mexico ceramics; 9 a.m.- 
4 p.m. Tues.-Fri., 5-9 p.m. Tues. (gallery talk March 5 
with Acoma Pueblo potter Mary Lewis Garcia, 
5:30 p.m.); UNM Jonson Gallery, 277-4967. 

March 8-17 — “Eleemosynary,” mothers and 
daughters and the drive to strike out of the mold, and 
“Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music,” de¬ 
tails life of a novice after being rejected by a religious 
order for her use of “colorful” language, two plays by 
Lee Blessing; 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat., 6 p.m. Sun.; Vortex 
Theatre, 247-8600. 

March 8-23 — “The Boys Next Door,” contempo¬ 
rary comedy/drama by Tom Griffin; 8 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., 
2 p.m. Sun.; Albuquerque Little Theatre, 242-4750. 

March 8-30 — “Rosencrantz & Guildenstem Are 
Dead,” Tom Stoppard comedy about Hamlet’s college 
chums who are hired to spy on him, Theatre-in-the- 
Making performance; 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat.; CenterStage, 

March 9 — “Black Women in New Mexico His¬ 
tory,” speaker Euola Cox presents 50-min. play, “Mitote 
(woman talk),” sponsored by the NM Humanities 
Council; 7 p.m.. South Broadway Cultural Center, free, 

March 10 — Recital, Audubon String Quartet per¬ 
forms Mozart’s “String Quartet in G Major, K. 387,” 
Bart6k’s “String Quartet No. 5,” and Schumann’s 
“String Quartet in A Major, Opus 41, No. 3”; presented 
by the Chamber Orchestra of Albuquerque; 3 p.m., St. 
John’s United Methodist Church (2626 Arizona NE), 

March 12 — Subscription Concert: Chamber Or¬ 
chestra of Albuquerque with the Audubon String Quar¬ 
tet perform Arnold Schoenberg’s “String Quartet 
Concerto After Handel” and Sir Edward Elgar’s “Intro¬ 
duction and Allegro for String Quartet and Orchestra, 
Opus 42”; Chamber Orchestra performs Handel’s “Con¬ 
certo Grosso in B-Flat Major, Opus 6, No. 7” and 
Mozart’s “Divertimento No. 12 in E-Flat Major, K. 
252”; 8:15 p.m., St. John’s United Methodist Church 
(2626 Arizona NE), 881-0844. 

March 12 — People of the Southwest Lecture Se¬ 
ries: “Prehistoric Pueblo Architecture at Hovenweep,” 
by Joe Winter, director of the Office of Contract Ar¬ 
chaeology at UNM and noted authority on Anasazi 
agriculture; 7:30 p.m.. Maxwell Museum of Anthropol¬ 
ogy, 277-4404. 

March 15 — “Mexico Romantico,” elegant and 
nostalgic revue of Mexican music from the nineteenth 
and twentieth centuries; 8 p.m.. South Broadway Cul¬ 
tural Center, 848-1320. 

March 15-17 — “Ruddigore,” Albuquerque 
Academy Parent Association’s 7th annual Gilbert and 
Sullivan musical drama; 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat., 2 p.m. Sun.; 
Simms Fine Arts Center, Albuquerque Academy, 
292-6211 or 293-3072. 

March 16-17 — 22nd Annual Gem and Mineral 
Show, sponsored by the Albuquerque Gem and Mineral 
Club; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun.; UNM 
Continuing Education Conference Center (1635 Uni¬ 
versity NE), 265-4178 or 299-5584. 

March 17 — Spiritual Healing Reggae Band, St. 
Patrick’s Day concert; 3 p.m., UNM Continuing Edu¬ 
cation Conference Center (1634 University NE), 
277-6945 or 277-CLASS. 

March 18 — Choral concert. Occidental College 
Glee Club from Los Angeles; 8 p.m., First Congrega¬ 
tional Church (2801 Lomas NE), 881-2196. 

March 19 — The Progress Woman’s Club Annual 
Style Show and Unique Luncheon, 11 a.m., Four Hills 
Country Club, 828-0297. 

March 20-31 — “De Donde?” by Mary Gallagher, 
thought-provoking play about US immigration policy 
set in a small town in the Rio Grande Valley on the 
US/Mexico border. New Mexico Repertory Theatre 
production; 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sat. & Sun. mati¬ 
nees; KiMo Theatre, 243-4500. 


MEMBERSHIP MANIA — Tonight, March 8, 
the Coronado Club is having a membership cele¬ 
bration as part of its annual membership drive. DJ 
Ron “R.C.” Casias plays your favorites from 6 to 
10 p.m. There’s also a free Mexican buffet ($2 for 
guests). Reservations recommended (265-6791). 

BINGO BUNNY — Sunday, March 10, the 
bingo bunny brings its basket of early Easter 
goodies. Kids can win the basket and many other 
great prizes by playing kids’ bingo. The buffet 
line begins at noon, bingo starts at 1 p.m., and 
kids get a free soft drink and hot dog just for 
playing. Cost to play is $2.50. 

By Florence Parnegg 

Family Counselor for Drug and Alcohol Problems 

Women alcoholics and women with other sub¬ 
stance abuse problems may have a particularly 
hard time dealing with their chemical dependency. 
They often feel guilty about not being society’s 
stereotyped “lady.” 

Yet few women alcoholics fit the common im¬ 
ages of the woman drunk in movies and books, 
such as an over-the-hill actress slurping down 
cheap gin from her barstool perch. Most chemi¬ 
cally dependent women are holding down jobs, 
raising families, or both. 

The National Council on Alcoholism says 
that of the 12 million alcoholics in the US, four 
million are women. This number is steadily in¬ 
creasing, and it does not include women ad¬ 
dicted to other drugs, such as prescription drugs, 
marijuana, or cocaine. 

In the past, many people believed that alco¬ 
holism was caused by moral weakness. In 1956, 
the American Medical Association declared it a 
disease. Now most people regard it that way, at 
least on an intellectual level. 

As society’s attitudes toward alcoholism be¬ 
come more enlightened, women who have prob¬ 
lems with alcohol and other dependencies will be 
more willing to come out of hiding and seek treat¬ 
ment earlier. When they do, they improve their 
chances of recovery. 

Maybe No Obvious Signs 

The functional alcoholic or chemically depen¬ 
dent woman does not necessarily drink a large 
amount, get drunk every time she drinks, have 
hangovers, drink every day, drink during the day 

GRAB YOUR GREEN, because Friday, 
March 15, the C-Club is holding a St. Paddy’s day 
party. Trio Grande will be on hand with live music 
from 7 to 11 p.m., and dinner is served from 6 to 9, 
including corned beef and cabbage ($6.95), 
chicken teriyaki ($6.95), prime rib ($8.95), and 
deep fried shrimp or filet mignon (two for one 
priced at $15.95). Make reservations early. 

IT’S MEETIN’ TIME again for the Coronado 
Ski Club, and this month’s meeting, Tuesday, 
March 19, features election of officers for the 
1991-92 ski season. As always, the social starts at 
7 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:30. 

or even during the week, look bleary-eyed, have 
slurred speech, stagger, miss a lot of work or show 
up late, or ever look drunk or crave a drink. 

In fact, she may be a brilliant superachiever, 
and frequently is an admired citizen. 

The functional alcoholic or chemically depen¬ 
dent woman does, however, have personal prob¬ 
lems caused by or related to the use of alcohol — 
for example, problems with sleep, thinking, emo¬ 
tions, moods, self-esteem, health, or employment, 
or a tendency to flash anger. 

Her family may notice that she fixes a drink 
or takes a tranquilizer upon arriving home after a 
hard day, requires a drink or drug before dealing 
with a family problem, consumes a drink or two 
even after others have quit (maybe having a 
nightcap “in order to sleep”), shows discomfort 
when no alcohol is available, draws a blank 
about conversations or happenings that occurred 
while she was drinking, or makes promises but 
doesn’t keep them. 

She may miss work, at first sporadically, ex¬ 
plaining absences as a result of 24-hour flu, car 
trouble, minor accidents, cramps, headaches, 
colds, upset stomach, or back pain. 

She may convince her family that they are the 
cause of such symptoms as lack of interest in fam¬ 
ily projects, skipping meals or picking at food, ir¬ 
ritability, changes in personal appearance, 
ever-wider mood swings, complaints over lack of 
money, forgetfulness, and becoming more with¬ 
drawn and isolated. 

If you would like to know more, or feel you 
may have an alcohol or substance abuse problem, 
call me, Florence Parnegg (3300) on 4-3993, or 
Comprehensive Counseling on 265-1881. Your 
call and discussion are confidential. • 

Favorite Old Photo 

RIDING WITH THE CAVALRY — This photo of my grandfather, Herbert L. Jackson, was taken just before 
his retirement from the US Cavalry in 1937. Grandpa Herbert (in front, second from right) worked his way up 
the enlisted ranks before receiving a battlefield commission. He fought in the Spanish-American War, the 
Boxer Rebellion, the Philippine Insurrection, and World War I. He received the Silver Star, the nation’s sec¬ 
ond highest award for valor. This photo was taken at Fort Ringold, Tex., when the Cavalry still rode horses. 
They mechanized shortly thereafter. — Jack Jackson (9241) 

Medical Corner 

Women and Substance Abuse